PV Rama Sastry, the Additional Director General (Western Command) of the BSF, monitored the situation at forward areas along the international border and the Line of Control along Jammu’s frontier and evaluated the overall security situation, officials said.
Beginning Tuesday, the ADG visited Jammu for a three-day visit, during which he visited units’ areas of responsibility (AOR) along the IB and along the LoC. He was received by BSF IG (Jammu frontier) DK Boora and other officers and was given guard of honour.
ADG Sastry evaluated gross deployment and domination plan of the BSF on LoC and held comprehensive discussions with commanders of the sector and the battalions on ground and reviewed the security situation.
During this visit, the ADG was notified about the challenges faced by BSF troops due to rainy season, foggy weather, and high-altitude. He also interacted with soldiers and commended them for their dedication and professionalism.