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Life In The Indian Army

Life in the INDIAN ARMY An Officer and a Gentleman Holding an officer rank in the Indian Army means inheriting the  glorious heritage and lasting traditions, blended perfectly with the latest advances in technology in the fields of armament, management, engineering and medical sciences. It offers a golden opportunity to…

Indian Navy- Entries Career Options

DIFFERENT ENTRIES OF INDIAN NAVY Induction of officers in the various Branches of the Indian Navy is undertaken through one of the following modes/schemes:- Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Entries Direct Entry: Permanent Commission For Undergraduate Level Entry Direct Entry: Permanent Commission For Graduate Level Entries  INDIAN NAVY ENTRANCE TEST(INET):…

Indian Army – Entries Career Options

DIFFERENT ENTRIES OF INDIAN ARMY 1. Entry Schemes for Men 2. Entry Schemes for Women 1. Entry Schemes for Men: Intermediate(10+2) Graduate UPSC Graduate Non-UPSC Graduate Technical Entry Service Entry Miscellaneous Entry Intermediate(10+2): NDA (National Defence Academy): Vacancies per Course: 320(Twice a year) ->ARMY: 208, NAVY: 70, AIR FORCE: 42.…

Indian Navy – History

Be auspicious unto us Oh Varuna Varuna: The Sea is conquered by Bhartiya Nausena through ‘Jal’-water ways. As per Indian history the first Navy was formed by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He is also known as the Father of Indian Navy. Whereas it is considered an East India company established in…

Indian Navy- Rank

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