On Monday, India’s government approved continuation of the Umbrella Scheme of “Border Infrastructure and Management” (BIM) for the 15th Finance Commission Cycle starting in 2021-22 and ending in 2025-26.
In a statement, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) announced its commitment to enhancing border infrastructure and management. By strengthening the border infrastructure, we will improve border management, border policing, and border guidance, the ministry said. The estimated cost of the scheme from 2021-22 to 2025-26 will be Rs 13,020 crore.
To secure the Indo-Pakistan border, Indo-Bangladesh border, Indo-China border, Indo-Nepal border, Indo-Bhutan border, and Indo-Myanmar border, the BIM scheme will enable the creation of infrastructure such as the construction of border fences, border floodlights, technology solutions, border roads as well as border outposts and company operating bases.