The last day of the SSB Interview i.e. the 5th day is the conference day. In conference all the members of that SSB board are seated in a U shaped arrangement. The members include Psychologists, GTOs, President, Deputy President and Additional IO. These are the assessors who have assessed the candidates independently until now. On the conference day all the assessors meet each other to discuss and prepare the results of the candidates based on their performance.
Candidates are called in one by one inside the conference hall, asked a few general questions (like- How was your stay, Rate your performance, Any suggestions etc.) and then are asked to leave. In case an assessor is doubtful of a candidate, few additional questions may be asked.

⦁ Shave properly, your hair should be combed and put on a formal dress. Look smart.
⦁ When your chest number is displayed on the screen, enter the hall, stand beside your chair and wish the President of the board (generally candidates are instructed to wish the President of the board and not all the assessors).
⦁ Sit down only when you are asked to do so. Your spine must be erect, don’t slouch and keep your arms on your thighs.
⦁ Pay attention to the assessor who is speaking to you. Don’t forget to keep a smiling face.
⦁ Answer the questions carefully and confidently.
⦁ In case you couldn’t answer some questions in the interview, you may be asked those questions in the conference. So find out the answers before the conference.
⦁ Don’t take stress or show any sign of nervousness. Sit properly with your spine erect, be calm and composed.
⦁ You will be asked about the facilities, food and your stay. Don’t complain about the food, facilities and other candidates.
⦁ Don’t give any suggestions regarding the change in testing process as this is a time tested process and the assessors know their job well.
Thus the 5 day selection process in the SSB comes to an end with the conference. After the conference, an officer declares the names of the recommended candidates. Recommended candidates are retained further for their medicals.
In case you are not recommended don’t get disheartened.
Ask yourself, “DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU”.
If the answer is YES, analyse what went wrong and give it another shot with better preparation.