Group Discussion (GD) is the first task among the various GTO tasks . It is an indoor task and the candidates are made to sit in a circle in numerical sequence of their chest numbers as shown below
The Group Discussion (GD) is conducted in two parts –
1.Group Discussion No . 1 :
In the first GD the GTO gives two topics to the group of candidates and the group has to choose one topic . While choosing the topic majority matters a lot because it is important to choose a topic everyone is comfortable with for a healthy discussion . There is no point choosing a topic in which only one or two is able to speak . After the topic is chosen the GTO repeats the same so that all are clear about the topic of discussion and asks the group to discuss the topic for about 15- 20 minutes . After the time is over the GTO interrupts saying “ Gentleman it was a nice discussion “ .
2. Group Discussion No. 2 :
After the first discussion ends the GTO gives another topic for discussion but this time the group has no choice as the topic is decided by the GTO himself . Once again the time allowed for the discussion will be 15 – 20 minutes .
The topics given in the GD are of different difficulty level , the GTO also provides 4 leads with each topic . Both topics are from day to day happenings and candidates are not expected to arrive at any conclusion. GD is not about blabbering anything . A candidate should have enough understanding of the topic to speak sensible in the GD . The topics are generally from day to day happenings so one should be aware of the current happenings and developments . Reading articles , newspaper editorials , and following current affairs helps widen the knowledge database. Communication skills also plays an important role in GD. Participating in extracurricular activities like debate , speech etc helps improve communication skills.
The Idea behind GD is to check candidate’s group adaptability, level of knowledge , and communication skills . Here the GTO gets the idea of how much a candidate is comfortable with the group , how much knowledge or understanding he has and his level of communication.
Important points –
- Candidates should sit in a comfortable posture and appear calm and composed as body language is also observed. Avoid slouching as it creates a bad impression.
- The most important thing here is to be a good listener and putting forward your logical points taking the discussion in the right direction.
- Try to initiate the GD with good and strong points if not try to be among the first two to three speakers .
- Once you have spoken for a fair amount of time give chance to people who wants to speak but aren’t noticed/ heard. This gives an impression that you are considerate towards others . But remember not to act like a moderator.
- If others don’t agree with your points don’t argue . Remember not to loose your calm , give logic and examples to support your point to influence the group.
- Sometimes the topic is not familiar . In that situation one should sit back and listen to others. After understanding the topic build your own points .
- Don’t try to gain the attention of the GTO by looking at him during the discussion.
How to manage a fish market Sometimes the GD gets heated up and everyone tries to speak at the same time leading to chaos . Such a situation is called fish market . In that situation one should not contribute to the chaos by joining the others rather he/ she should take the initiative as a leader to calm and compose the situation , ask others to put forward their points one by one ,let everyone speak and can thus navigate the discussion in the right direction.