LECTURETTE is the last task conducted on day 1 of GTO tasks. In this task each candidate is required to deliver a short speech for three minutes to the rest of the group on any one of the four topics. In the Armed Forces an Officer leads and commands his men into the battlefield. He has to brief his men before an operation so that the task is crystal clear to everyone. He has to address his men on many occasions. His words boosts the confidence and morale of his men. During action his words add fuel to the fire of patriotism in his men to fight and protect their motherland. The idea behind the lecturette is to check the speaking skills of a candidate along with other qualities like Organising Ability, General Awareness, Power of Expression, Self-Confidence, Ability to influence the group, Liveliness, and Mental Stamina.

The GTO has as many cards with him as the number of candidates. There are four topics on each card.
The first candidate as per the numerical sequence will be asked to pick up the topmost card and go a little away from the group to prepare his lecture. He is given three minutes to prepare. Once his three minutes are over the GTO rings the bell twice. The candidate hands over the card to the GTO and delivers his/her lecture in front of the group
As soon as the first candidate starts his speech the second candidate must pick up the topmost card and go for preparation.
After two and a half minutes the GTO rings the bell once which serves as an indication to the first candidate that he has only 30 seconds remaining. After 30 seconds from the single bell the GTO rings the bell twice. With this the time allotted to the first candidate is over, he will sit down and the second candidate will handover the card to the GTO and start his speech. The third candidate will pick up the topmost card and go for preparation.
Like this each candidate will get three minutes to prepare and three minutes to deliver his speech/lecture on the topic chosen by him.
The GTO asks the first candidate to give his introduction to the group and then go for preparation. While he will be preparing for three minutes the rest of the candidates are asked to give his/her introduction to the group. You will be told what to speak in the introduction. Generally you are expected to tell your name, what you are doing currently, place you belong to, educational background etc.
As mentioned above each card will have four topics. One topic will be of high level, one of low level and the other two will be of average level.
To deliver an effective lecture/speech you need to have a strong knowledge database. Read a lot to increase your knowledge. Read various kinds of topics ranging from newspapers editorial, journals, science and technology, sports etc. Prepare the current topics, India’s relationship with major countries of the world and its neighbours like INDO- US relation, INDO- PAK relation etc.
⦁ During your introduction cover all the points asked by the GTO briefly.
⦁ Choose a topic on which you can speak for three minutes comfortably. There is no point choosing a tough topic on which you can’t speak properly. Make sure you have enough points to speak on the topic you have chosen.
⦁ Divide your speech/lecture into three parts-
⦁ Introduction: In one or two lines, tell what you are going to speak about. Keep it short and to the point. A good start creates a good impression.
⦁ Body: Devote maximum time to the body as it carries the main message.
⦁ Conclusion: End your lecture with a summary. You can also add your own viewpoints.
⦁ During your speech, maintain eye contact with your group. By doing so you can keep the group engaged and take interest in your speech. Also it will make you look confident. Don’t stare at one candidate only, shift your gaze to all the candidates of your group.
⦁ Do not use too many hand gestures as it will distract the group.
⦁ Modulate your voice according to the message you want to deliver. Speaking in the same tone throughout will make your speech monotonous.
⦁ Start confidently and speak at a moderate pace. Your voice should be clear and loud enough to the GTO and your group.
That was all for the lecturette. Speak confidently and clearly.