Acertificate might not be as important as the other two certificates as it doesn’t help you get a government job but you sure do get some preference compared to the other candidates. It somewhere gives the benefit of marks in all the tests of all the wings of the Indian army.

- “A” certificate examination is applicable only for the junior wing/division.
- Junior wing/division are cadets of class 8 or 9, after passing these classes no one can apply for “A” certificate exam.
- A cadet should have at least 75% attendance in total training periods.
- The cadet should have attended at least one combined annual training camp (CATC) to be eligible to write the examination.
- As “A” certificate is less important compared to the other two certificates, it becomes easy to pass the exam. Comparatively the difficulty level is less here.
- If a cadet had to take a break from the NCC training, then that break shouldn’t exceed more than 12 months if he/she wants to apply for the “A” certificate exam.
- If the break exceeds more than 12 months then following steps could be taken:-
- If the cadet has been in the unit for a minimum of 2 years before his discharge and has attended 75% of the total periods during his NCC Tenure he/she will need 36 periods of training to become eligible to appear for the examination.
- If any of the above conditions are not fulfilled, the cadet must attend 75% periods of 1st and 2nd years of training.
- When it comes to rank given to the cadets, the maximum a cadet can reach is Company Sergeant Major (CSM).
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