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New security threat ‘Tiffin Bomb’ emerges in Punjab

A new security threat has surfaced in election-bound Punjab in the form of tiffin bombs. In the last two months, five such tiffin bombs have been recovered in different parts of Punjab.  

As per police sources, a major mishap has been averted due to quick action by the Punjab police based on specific intelligence information on Thursday. Punjab Police claimed to have arrested a terror module supported by Khalistan Tiger Force.  

Three people were arrested with a tiffin bomb from Bhikwind village of Tarn Taran district, which is located nearly 10 Km from the India-Pakistan borders. The cops also retrieved a consignment of arms and explosives including two pistols, one grenade, and a packet containing explosives near Chungan village, all of which were dropped using a drone.  

A tiffin bomb is a lunchbox fitted with an improvised explosive device (IED). It is a tiffin carrier which is used by school children and to store their lunch. 

Hi! I am Saloni Chhetri. I have done masters in Mathematics and currently working as a team member of How to Crack SSB. My hobby is writing which is one of the prime reasons, that I work for this organisation. Apart from this I would like to share one more information about myself, that I am also a Defence aspirant and one day I wish to join the Indian Air Force.

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