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Northern Indian borders equipped with upgraded infra says Army Chief

The army chief General Naravane said that up-gradation and development along the Norther borders of the country are being conducted in a comprehensive and integrated manner which includes roads and tunnels, tactical railway lines, bridges across Brahmaputra, enhancement of bridges on sensitive Indo-China border roads, and storage for supplies, fuel, and ammunition. 

According to the Indian army chief, there has been good development since 2021 on our northern and western borders, adding that the Indian army has enhanced the capabilities, infrastructure, and weaponry of its North Indian forces. 

“In the last one year our capability across the Northern borders has grown in many ways. The overall security situation, in the North-Eastern Region remained under control. A robust security posture has significantly curtailed the operational space for terrorists. There has been a graduated de-induction of Army units, from areas where the security situation has improved. War or conflict is always an instrument of last resort. But if resorted to, we will come out victorious,” General Naravane said. 

Hi! I am Saloni Chhetri. I have done masters in Mathematics and currently working as a team member of How to Crack SSB. My hobby is writing which is one of the prime reasons, that I work for this organisation. Apart from this I would like to share one more information about myself, that I am also a Defence aspirant and one day I wish to join the Indian Air Force.