There’s an old saying, “Every man is upto himself”. And this statement is specifically true for
the candidates who are passionate to join the forces and are attending SSB. But the other truth
is that the knowledge that one gains before attending SSB is priceless while moving forward.
And this article will serve that purpose, how to prepare for SSB on an everyday basis.
Inculcating the habit of daily reading is a habit that is adopted by the biggest CEO’s,
investors, influential persons, etc. Because everyone knows the secret of daily
reading. If one wants to improve their knowledge base, one wants to have a quality
time, learn new skills, understand yourself or the world, reading daily serves the
Therefore, dear aspirants fit this habit into your daily life and see the progress. - EXERCISING:
Exercising is one habit one needs to develop even though they are defence aspirants
or civilians that’s because exercising has so many benefits. From keeping yourself fit
and healthy, boosting memory, improving confidence, cognitive ability, to have a
disease-free active life. Furthermore, one is expected to be fit before joining forces in
order to cope up with the training. - MEDITATION:
What exercising is for the body, meditation is for the mind. One can calm his mind
and nerves, think more clearly, reduce anxiety, etc, meditation has so many benefits
and practically no losses. One can spare some time out of his routine and meditate for
10 minutes at least everyday and see the results. - HOBBIES:
Developing hobbies keeps one engaged and helps them work towards their passion or
area of interests. It is understandable that developing a hobby is difficult or working
towards a hobby that was held previously, because of the fast-moving world. But a
hobby will create the best version of ourselves and improve our creativity. Such as
writing, painting, blogging, etc. - CURRENT AFFAIRS:
Reading daily newspapers, watching news everyday, or reading from websites are
some of the ways to improve our knowledge base and what is happening in the
country and the world. Being aware of the current affairs improves our chances of
selection at the SSB’s because it boosts our points in lecturette and personal
interviews and it will create a good impression in front of assessors as well. - COMMUNICATION SKILLS:
Practice makes a man perfect. Practice makes anyone perfect. Practice speaking,
rehearsing in front of mirrors, in camera, in front of friends. Practice and you will
make it. Watching english TV series, movies or listening (do not overdo it and waste
time in it) to podcasts are other ways of improving acquaintance with english
Other habits to develop are regularly practicing reasoning, trying to improve our english
speaking, reading and writing. One can develop a motivation by watching videos related to
forces or any motivational videos or songs, talking with friends and developing a good social
circle, helping others and being humble and having the character of humility.
Jai Hind.