Given below is an illustration of Command Task (CT).
As you can see there are two lines- START LINE and FINISH LINE. Between these two lines are some structures which you (the commander) needs to negotiate in order to reach the FINISH LINE using the helping materials provided. You are asked to choose two subordinates to assist you in the negotiation of the task.
The helping materials include-
- Wooden Plank (PHATTA)
- Circular wooden log- LONG BALLI and SHORT BALLI
- Rope
- Extra tools as per particular obstacle design like rings, triangular bars etc.

The gap between the START LINE and CB-1 is 5 feet which is more than 4 feet hence it has to be bridged. Place one end of the BALLI on the START LINE and the other end on CB-1. Now you and one of your subordinate can climb on to CB-1.

Place the PHATTA between CB-1 and CB-2 as shown in the figure above. Now you can move on to CB-2 along with one subordinate and the instruct the other subordinate to move on to CB-1. Askthe subordinate standing on CB-1 to pass on the BALLI.

Now you can bridge the gap between CB-2 and the FINISH LINE using the SHORT BALLI and the LONG BALLI as shown in the figure above. Then you along with one of your subordinate can cross the FINISH LINE.
Instruct the other subordinate to move on to CB-2 and ask him to pass on the PHATTA and the LARGE BALLI.

Now you along with one of your subordinate can make a cantilever so that the subordinate on CB-2 crosses the FINISH LINE. Place the SHORT BALLI on the ground near the FINISH LINE and the PHATTA over it as shown in figure above. Stand on one end of the PHATTA as indicated by an arrow in the figure. Now instruct the subordinate on CB-2 to step on the other end of the PHATTA and cross the FINISH LINE along with SHORT BALLI. CONGRATULATIONS! Commander, You have successfully completed the CT.