Self Description Test is the fourth and the last Psychological test conducted on day 2 of SSB Interview after TAT, WAT and SRT.

In this test, candidates are required to write 5 paragraphs on
- What his/her parents think of him/her.
- What does his/her teacher/employer think?
- What do his friends think?
- What is his opinion of himself?
- What kind of person he wants to become and what qualities he would like to develop.
The time allotted is 15 minutes.
This test gives an idea to the Psychologist regarding how deep the candidate has knowledge about himself and whether he is aware of his qualities and shortcomings or not. The Psychologist uses this test to confirm his findings about the candidate, obtained through the previous psychological tests like TAT, WAT and SRT.
- To write an effective Self Description, you need to know yourself. Ask your parents, teachers and friends about your qualities (positive and negative) and shortcomings.
- Avoid negative points like drinking, smoking, hypertension, dishonesty etc., these are some incorrigible negative traits. Stage fear, weak in English etc. are better examples of negative points.
- Be honest and frank in giving your self description. Never try to cheat or bluff about your qualities as the Psychologist will easily find it out.
- Don’t write any memorized or readymade self description. Everyone has a unique personality and so is yours.
- Listen carefully to the rules and briefings given by the Psychologist and follow them strictly.
- The assessors are giving you a chance to judge yourself, no one knows you better than yourself. Cleverly mention your strong points which shows some OLQs along with weak points too as no individual is perfect and there is always some room for improvement.
- Be careful about what you write. Don’t contradict your description with the matter written in your PIQ form or during a personal interview. Whatever you have written must reflect in other tests as well.
- Avoid sharing incorrigible negative traits.
- Your handwriting should be clear and readable.
- Remember, SDT may be the last psychological test but it is as important as the first one.
Given below is an example of SDT.
PARENTs OPINION: My parents think that I am a responsible child and can manage my stuff myself so they have given me freedom to make my life decisions on my own. They are not satisfied with my recent academic achievements but they say I can improve with dedicated and sustained efforts. They also say that when I make my mind to something I put my 100% to it.
FRIENDs OPINION: My friends say that I am practical and serious about my work. We share everything and have lots of fun. We motivate each other to achieve our life goals. We share ideas and take each other’s advice on important issues.
TEACHERs OPINION: My teachers will say that I am a good student and can perform really well provided I put in hard work. They will say I am an active student who is ready to take responsibilities and challenges. There are few teachers who will say I am not attentive and some will say I am attentive, it all depends on the subject.
PERSONAL OPINION: I think I am a good son, friend and student. I got what I expected but still there is some room for improvement. I am a responsible son who is aware of his family’s condition and my responsibilities towards my family. I am a friend who is ready to help, spend time together, have fun and would like to see our dreams come true together.
KIND OF PERSON I WISH TO BECOME AND QUALITIES THAT I WANT TO DEVELOP: I know I am not perfect but possess a unique personality with some strong points and obviously some weak points too. I am focusing on my studies to score good marks in the coming semesters. Also I am giving time to sports and physical activities. I am working on myself and trying to be better than what I was the previous day.