On Sunday morning the skies over Srinagar were jewelled with fighter jets and Chinook helicopters, exhibiting thrilling manoeuvres at an air show organised after 14 years. The air show was conducted by the Air Force Station, Srinagar, and the government which is part of the ongoing ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations, an official said.
The teams participating in the air show were Akash Ganga skydiving and Suryakiran Aerobatic Display teams of the Indian Air Force.
The objective of this air show was to raise awareness among the youth of the Kashmir Valley and encourage them to take up IAF as a career option and to promote tourism in the region. The theme of the air show was ‘Give Wings to Your Dream’.
The event was attended by hundreds of school children and people from across the valley at the Sher-e-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) overlooking the Dal Lake here. The event was flagged off by J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.
An IAF symphony orchestra display and motivational photo exhibition on the history of the IAF were also part of the air show.