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Urmila Jethwa
This webinar of Ujjwal sir was rejuvenating which creates goosebumps in whole body and make you to do it that u can do it really really help full for every ssb students great job damm good inspirational webinar

The webinar was really awesome I personally enjoyed it as well as learnt very new things...all my doubts were cleared very professionally and moreover it gave a true motivation and a clear mind set that why m aspiring for joining IAF.

Sarthak Maithani
It was really a pleasure sir after listening to you in the webinar...
You're such a great motivater.
I feel proud to be a part of your journey.
ThankYou so much sir.
It was my first webinar and i enjoyed as well got a lot of information about SSB

Parvez Akhtar
I belong from army background and serving the nation was my dream.... I was interested in Indian Air Force . pabt crack karna mere liye bhot hard Lagra tha but my father motivated me and gave me this book. My English was also bad at that time but I worked on myself after reading this book daily.....
Finally I could easily crack ssb

Shreya Pandey
The webinar was indeed amazing and it helped me discover something very new....I was happy to discover the qualities required and also helped me know among them I naturally have...a priceless experience!!

Rashmi Das
I attended the webinar on 14th of September n tbh this was really helpful to me.This webinar genuinely opened my eyes to see where I was lacking n the common mistakes usually being made ,unknowingly this becomes the barrier in our way to success.Now I will work on myself .Thank you Ujwal Sir really appreciate your hard work.Jai Hind🇮🇳

Rishav Ray
I am here after attending the webinar...and really friends. I am very confident....about myself and about Ujjwal Chugh sir's academy,,he is very professional and i liked their plan....ssb..its much more in quantity and ofcourse quality...of the cource...i suggest u all guys to atleast take a look or attend webinar by sir or search him on YouTube....JAI HIND

Ullas Kumar Nagar
I enjoyed, the whole webinar... My school principal gave me his number, before calling , I was watching the time again and again, cause I thought that he might be that type of person who always want everybody on time... He really helped me... Jai Hind

I have a great experience in Ujjwal Chugh Sir Webinar. Thank you for the excellent, clear and clinically oriented presentation . It was extremely helpful, and you are such a wonderful speaker and authentic person. Great Experience!! JAI HIND !

Swapnil Gaur
The session truly did justice to the title- 3 secrets of SSB recommendation. These two hours gave us the crux of everything that we could have not attained through the process of various coachings. Learning through journeys, case studies added to our experience. Thank you for such a wonderful session. Looking forward for more such sessions like this.

After attending your session which was conducted on 18-12-020, I feel highly motivated and enthusiastic. Can't wait to be a part of your community . And to be honest if you were my guru in my school days I would have attended your lectures on Sundays too 😀

Deepika Singh
Hi Sir, It was really great to interact with you, i oftenly use instagram, and then too i got your to register, i am really blessed, and will surely like to continue with you for my ssb preparations. it would be my pleasure to continue with such a outstanding, calm, knowledgeable coach like you.

Sachin Kumar
Hi Sir, It was really great to interact with you, i oftenly use instagram, and then too i got your to register, i am really blessed, and will surely like to continue with you for my ssb preparations. it would be my pleasure to continue with such a outstanding, calm, knowledgeable coach like you.

Rohit Singh
Webinar was really amazing as I was able connect with it. Not even for 1sec I felt lyk leaving the webinar it was intresting till the end. The knowlegde sir has given related to ssb is really going to help me in a great way in developing and transforming me .