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Who is the head of ITBP?

ITBP, for the first two decades since its raising in 1962, until 1983, was headed by Inspector Generals of Police (IGs), all drawn from the IPS. But in 1983, the Indira Gandhi led Congress Government, upgraded ITBP head to Director General (DG). Since then, there has exponentially expansion of higher ranks, accompanied by volatility in the tenures of the head of ITBP. The current DG ITBPP is Surjeet Singh Deswal.

Hi! I am Saloni Chhetri. I have done masters in Mathematics and currently working as a team member of How to Crack SSB. My hobby is writing which is one of the prime reasons, that I work for this organisation. Apart from this I would like to share one more information about myself, that I am also a Defence aspirant and one day I wish to join the Indian Air Force.

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